No, not necessarily. Although the minerals in water are important for health, avoiding chemicals, bacteria and contamination are also very beneficial too. The solution isn’t to avoid reverse osmosis but instead adding minerals to the water. This means remineralizing RO water so you can enjoy the benefits of contaminant-free water but still get the essential minerals the body needs.
If you’re wondering how to remineralize water, you’ve got a few different options to consider. Reverse osmosis remineralization isn’t as difficult as it might sound, but you’ll need to get special supplies first.
If you want to know how to make alkaline water with Himalayan salt, read on! Next, are some of the options for adding minerals to the water.
How to Remineralize RO Water
A lot of new RO systems for homes actually come with a built-in remineralization filter. This adds back those healthy minerals at the final stage before the water is poured.
However, there are a few other tricks to do this too.
Add a mineral-rich salt
This doesn’t mean grabbing your table salt and pouring it into your system but instead using a special kind of sea salt that is very dense in minerals, such as Himalayan sea salt.
Himalayan sea salt contains the full complement of 84 trace minerals but is very cheap to buy. Make sure you purchase fine salt and you won’t need to worry about a salty taste in your water.
You can either add a tiny pinch to every glass of water or else add around a quarter of a teaspoon to every gallon of water.

Mineral drops for water
If you want to know how to add minerals to water without lots of work, this is one of the easiest solutions. You can remineralize any quantity of water quickly and easily by just adding a few mineral drops at any time.
Alter the RO water pH level with a filter
Remineralizing reverse osmosis water can be done at the source if you add an extra filter to your system.
A pH-balancing or remineralization filter can usually be added to most models without needing to replace the whole system.
After the water is filtered, some of the minerals are added back; just how much depends on various factors such as flow rate, water temperature, and the existing pH level of the water.
Although there is evidence that this can increase the pH level of the water significantly, the level of remineralization can vary greatly.
Do I Need To Add Minerals To Reverse Osmosis Water?